Flourish My Dear

5 Biggest Decorating Mistakes

Family room with central rattan coffee table and blue rug

After 7 years in interior design, I’ve seen a lot of interesting decorating done by my clients. Some awesome and some not so much. This week I take a look at what I see as the 5 biggest decorating mistakes people make.

1. Not Measuring First

You’re excited to get your project going so you go to the store and start shopping. You find a piece you absolutely love so you take it home. Only to find out it doesn’t fit. Either it’s too small for your space, or way too big. Or worse yet, it won’t fit through the door (Oh yes, that happens!).

If you don’t have a tape measure, buy or borrow one. Measure your existing furniture if you have some. Then decide if you should or can go bigger or smaller. If you don’t have existing furniture, you can use tape to mark on the floor where pieces might go and work from that.

2. Putting All Your Furniture on the Wall

Your living areas are designed to be social spaces where you interact with family and friends. And it’s annoying to be sitting across the room from someone you’re trying to have an intimate conversation with.

If you’re not sure how close to put everything. Start by pulling your sofa at least 6″ off the wall. Then place the coffee table in front of the sofa so there’s about 18″-24″ space. And finally, put your remaining seating around the coffee table, again with about 18″-24″ spacing. This will create a comfortable conversation space.

3. Not Enough Color or Contrast

It’s really rare that I go into a home that has too much color. Most people who are unsure about decorating tend to go too conservative with color. They select a neutral sofa, with a neutral rug, and neutral wall color. Now monochromatic color palettes can be fabulous but require a lot of contrast in color and/or texture.

Try keeping your sofa a neutral color but use a colorful rug – or at least one that contrasts your sofa either way darker or lighter. My favorite way to bring in color is with pillows and lamps. These are relatively inexpensive and a great way to express your unique style without a big commitment.

4. Artwork too High

This one is easy to fix. The center of your artwork should be eye height. If you’re taller, then it’ll most likely be higher than I would hang it. If you need a number, start at 64″. And all artwork visible from one location should be hung such that the center is at the same height.

5. Wrong Size Rug

A rug that’s too small can actually make a room feel smaller. Selecting the right size is pretty easy. In a living space, the front legs of all chairs and sofas should be on the rug. Ideally it would extend to the back legs but sometimes this size just doesn’t work with the overall room. In a dining space, add at least 24″, preferably 30″ to the table size. This allows the back chair legs stay on the rug when they’re pushed back from the table.

Are you making any of these 5 biggest decorating mistakes in your home? Fixing them can help you create a more comfortable home so you can flourish.

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