Flourish My Dear

You Don't Really Need an iPhone

Person's hand holding an iphone

A few weeks ago I discussed how important financial freedom is for living your best life. This week I’ll show you one easy way to work in that direction by cutting costs. With the newest cell phones costing in the hundreds of dollars, it can be a significant expense. I know it’s hard to believe, but you don’t really need an iPhone.

A few years ago I would have argued you don’t really need a cell phone. But with text messages quickly replacing actual phone calls, it’s becoming more difficult to do without. From doctors appointments to traveling, texting is increasingly more necessary. However, there are still a lot of people who survive quite well without one. Try it if you dare!

But you don’t need an iPhone for communicating. And you certainly don’t need the latest version. Now I realize it’s a status symbol for many young people. But you do realize that the only status your increasing is Apple’s, not yours, right? Are you really willing to give up some financial freedom to help profit for a big corporation?

So what’s a girl to do? Well, if you have a phone, keep it, for as long as it works. If you absolutely need (let’s define “need” as your old phone won’t turn on) a new phone, there are a lot of other phones out there and most of them much less than the iPhone. If you must have the iPhone, buy an older model to reduce your costs.

To save the most money, do like my girls do and stay on your parents plan for as long as possible. That’s a sure way to save some money. I say this with a bit of humor and sarcasm, but if this is currently working for you, I wouldn’t rock the boat.

Next time you get iPhone envy, just remind yourself of the money your saving and that YOU are more important than the Apple Corporation.

Now go flourish my dear!

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